im just saying


(9/17/24) part 2
i cried for 45 minutes but were back together

it worked out. i didnt cry. we held hands but i feel like shit about it. im talking with her right now, were discussing it. i for sure should have asked if she was alright with it. things kind of just escalated and we were there. i assumed she was okay with it since she wasnt reluctant, but i still feel like shit because of it. i believe she was comfortable with it based off shes saying right now, but im not sure. i definitely have good reason to feel like shit because i should have checked, but i dont know if i should since she seems okay. if things dont progress any further (which they probably wont) this will most likely be forgotten in a week but i just dont know. its probably super simple. im probably oversharing online. i probably shouldnt be worrying at all. i probably should be talking with her about it instead of writing this and sulking. probably nobody is gonna read any of this. i dont know. ill fix the formatting on this later

it has been exactly 7 months since i broke up with girl mentioned in previous post. it has also been exactly a year since we originally got together. i have been on and off crying. tomorrow me her and a friend of ours plan on hanging out together at her house, just like we would when we were still dating. plans arent final yet and im terrified that if things work out i might cry at her house. just like the last post ive got no reason to be writing this. maybe im selfish and am looking for attention and pity, maybe writing it down helps me chill out

things have been going, not sure whether theyve been going well or bad but they have been going nonetheless. some good stuff that has been happening is i am going to some concerts pretty soon (ill add a music page and write which ones there as well as some other stuff) and i believe my outfits have been getting better. some bad stuff is a girl a had a crush on started dating a friend of mine pretty recently and another girl i dated 7 months ago (i still miss her) has started cutting herself. she also has not been eating. i have no reason to be putting this here but i kinda just felt like it. if either of them (or my mom) sees this its over

im not certain why but ive been more willing to put time into articles to learn css and html and stuff which is nice. the first time i attempted to make a site i would procrastinate reading them (usually watching a yt video) so im expecting to be making progress though my biggest obstacle is my creativity since i spent probably 10 minutes staring at the code for the bio h1 and could not think of anything to write down

the site is considerably barebones which stinks but oh well. gonna try to keep up with this